ADDM | |
AEO | |
AEP | These terms beginning with A followed by a variable name |
AES | described elsewhere are averages used in the output routines. |
AET | They represent averages of that variable over a period of |
APRECP | days defined by default as 7 days but may be interactively |
ARUNOF | altered via the variable KOUTWA for variables whose output |
ASOLR | is printed in the water balance section and similarly by |
ASWDF1 | KOUTGR for variables whose output is printed in the growth |
ASWDF2 | section and by KOUTNU for variables whose output is printed |
ATEMN | in the N output section. |
A | Zero to unity factor for relative nitrification rate (unitless) |
ABD | Average soil bulk density (g/cm**3) |
AD | |
ADD | Temporary variable used in the calculation of crop residue distribution (kg/ha) |
ADDM | |
AFERT(J) | Amount of nitrogen added as fertilizer on JFDAY(J) (kg N/ha) |
AGRN | |
AIRR(J) | Amount of irrigation added on day of year JDAY(J) (mm) |
AK | |
ALBEDO | Integrated crop and soil albedo - unitless |
ALX | Current Julian date as a radian fraction of 1 year for soil temperature caculations |
AMP | Annual amplitude in annual average temperature |
AMT | |
AMTMIN | Minimum water amount the farmer is willing to release into the field |
ANDEM | Crop N demand (kg N/ha) |
ANH4 | Total extractable ammonium N in soil profile (kg N/ha) |
ANO3 | Total extractable nitrate N in soil profile (kg N/ha) |
ANS | |
APTNUP | Vegetative N uptake (kg N/ha) |
ATOT | Accumulator used to calculate moving average soil surface temperatures |
AVEARG(10) | Array used to store variables for soil water output calculations |
AW | Available water used in soil temperature calculations (cm) |
AWR | Assimilate area to weight ratio (square cm/g) |
B | Interim variable used in the Gamma function to predict soil temperature |
B2 | |
BB | |
BD | Bulk density of soil (g/cm**3) |
BDATE | Character variable indicating the beginning date of weather contained within a weather file |
BIOMAS | The accumulated dry weight biomass of above ground plant material following seedling emergence - g/sq.meter |
C1 | Cosine of the latitude - radians |
CARBO | The daily biomass production - g/plant |
CD | |
CEP | Cumulative transpiration after germination - mm |
CES | Cumulative evaporation after germination - mm |
CET | Cumulative evapotranspiration after germination - mm |
CF | Temporary variable used in leaf area reduction calculations |
CGPE | Predicted number of grains per ear |
CLAI | Predicted crop leaf area index at anthesis |
CN | |
CN1 | Intermediate quantity used to calculate daily runoff |
CN2 | Curve number input used to calculate daily runoff |
CN3 | |
CNI(L) | Capacity for nitrification index in layer L. This is a zero to unity number indicating the relative capability for nitrification to proceed. |
CNPD | |
CNPW | |
CNR | C:N ratio calculated as (kg C in FOM)/(kg N in FOM + kg mineral N) |
CNRF | Zero to unity C:N ratio factor for decomposition rate |
CNSD1 | Accumulates nitrogen deficit factor (NFAC) in each stage and is printed at the end of each stage as a daily average |
CNSD2 | Accumulates nitrogen deficit factor (NDEF2) in each stage and is printed at the end of each stage as a daily average |
CRAIN | Cumulative precipitation after germination - mm |
CSD1 | Accumulates soil water deficit factor 1 (SWDF1) in each stage and is printed at the end of each stage as a daily average |
CSD2 | Accumulates soil water deficit factor 2 (SWDF2) in each stage and is printed at the end of each stage as a daily average |
CTNUP | Cumulative tops N uptake (kg N/ha) |
CUMDEP | Cumulative depth of the soil profile - cm |
CUMDTT | Cumulative daily thermal time after germination - degree C days |
CUMPH | Accumulated phyllochron intervals and equivalent leaf number on primary tiller - unitless |
CW | Water soluble carbon content of soil (ppm) |
DAGR | Floating variable for the integer IOUTGR |
DAUP | Floating variable for the integer IOUTNU |
DAWA | Floating variable for the integer IOUTWA |
DAY | |
DAYS | |
DBAR | Average soil water diffusivity used to calculate upward water flow in top layers |
DD | Soil temperature damping depth (mm) |
DEC | |
DEC | Declination of the sun - radians |
DEPIR | Amount of irrigation water required to fill soil profile (mm) |
DEPMAX | Maximum soil depth where soil water content changes - mm |
DEPTH | Depth to the bottom of a layer from the surface (cm) |
DFERT(J) | Depth of incorporation of fertilizer application on Julian date (JFD) |
DL1 | Upper depth of a soil layer - cm |
DL2 | Lower depth of a soil layer - cm |
DLAYR(L) | Depth increment of soil layer L - cm |
DLL | Intermediate variable used in soil water initialization |
DLV | Temporary variable used in the determination of day length |
DM | |
DMINR | Humic fraction decay rate (1/days) |
DMOD | Zero to unity dimensionless factor used to decrease to rate of mineralization in soils with chemically protected organic matter |
DNG | N demand of potential new growth of tops (g N/plant) |
DNH4 | |
DNO3 | |
DNRATE | Denitrification rate (kg N/ha/day) |
DOY | |
DOYX | |
DP | Maximum damping depth for the soil layer (mm) |
DRAIN | Drainage rate - cm/day |
DROOTN | Daily change in plant root nitrogen content (g N/plant) |
DSW | |
DT | Difference between moving average soil surface temperature and long-term daily average ambient temperature |
DTT | Daily thermal time - degree C days |
DUL(L) | Drained upper limit soil water for soil layer L - volume fraction |
E | |
E02 | |
E03 | |
EARS | |
EDATE | Character variable indicating the ending date of weather contained within a weather file |
EEQ | Equilibrium evaporation used to calculate potential evapotranspiration - mm/day |
EGMX | Maximum extension growth of a leaf (cm/day) |
ELNC | Environmental limit on nitrification capacity (zero to unity unitless factor) |
EMAT | |
EO | Potential evapotranspiration - mm/day |
EOS | Potential soil evaporation - mm/day |
EOWF | |
EP | Actual plant evaporation (transpiration) - mm/day |
EP1 | Actual transpiration - cm/day |
ES | Actual soil evaporation - mm/day |
ES1 | Actual soil evaporation - cm/day |
ESC | |
ESW(L) | Extractable soil water content for soil Layer L (the difference between DUL and LL - volume fraction) |
ESX | Temporary soil evaporation variable - mm/day |
ET | Actual soil and plant evaporation - mm/day |
EXPTNO | Experiment number (used in DSSAT I/O) |
F | Interim variable used to calculate soil temperature |
FAC(L) | Conversion factor for PPM N to kg N/ha for Layer L |
FACTOR | Relative weighting to distribute crop root residues at the beginning of a simulation |
FDAY | |
FILE1 | Character variable with file name for daily weather data |
FILE2 | Character variable with file name for soil profile properties |
FILE3 | Character variable with file name for unused at present time |
FILE4 | Character variable with file name for soil nitrogen dynamics properties |
FILE5 | Character variable with file name for soil profile initial conditions |
FILE6 | Character variable with file name for irrigation management data |
FILE7 | Character variable with file name for nitrogen fertilizer management data |
FILE8 | Character variable with file name for crop management data |
FILE9 | Character variable with file name for genetic coefficients |
FILEA | Character variable with file name for measured summary data |
FILEB | Character variable with file name for measured seasonal data for graphics |
FLOW(L) | Volume of water moving from Layer L due to unsaturated flow (CM) positive indicates upward movement and negative value indicates downward movement |
FLUX(L) | Water moving downward from Layer L with drainage (cm) |
FNH4 | Unitless soil ammonium supply index |
FNO3 | Unitless soil nitrate supply index |
FOM(L) | Fresh organic matter (residue) in Layer L (kg/ha) |
FON(L) | N in fresh organic matter in Layer L (kg N/ha) |
FPOOL(L,J) | Fresh organic matter in layer L kg/O.M./ha. If J=1 pool is comprised of carbohydrates, if J=2 pool is comprised of cellulose, and if J=3 pool is comprised of lignin |
FR | Unitless value used to distribute crop residue |
FT | Temperature factor affecting denitrification rate |
FTYPE(M) | Fertilizer type code |
FW | Unitless soil moisture factor affecting denitrification rate |
G1 | Genetic specific constant related to rate of vegetative expansion growth during Stage 1 |
G2 | Genetic specific constant related to the number of grains produced |
G3 | Genetic coefficient for determining grain fill rate - mg/day |
GBLA | |
GG2 | |
GG3 | |
GNP | N concentration in daily increment of grain growth (g N/g dry matter) |
GNUP | Grain N content kg N/ha |
GPP | Number of grains per plant |
GPSM | Grains per square metre |
GRAINN | Grain N content (g N/plant) |
GRCOM | Gross release of carbon from organic matter decomposition (kg C/ha) |
GRF | |
GRNOM | Gross release of N from organic matter decomposition (kg N/ha/day) |
GRNWT | Weight of grains - g |
GROGRN | Daily growth of the grain - g |
GROLF | Daily leaf growth - g |
GRORT | Daily root growth - g |
GROSTM | Daily stem growth - g |
GRPCTN | Observed grain N% at maturity |
HDAY | Day of the year of the hottest day (200 for the northern hemisphere, 20 for the southern hemisphere) |
HOLD | Temporary variable in calculations for distribution of organic matter |
HRLT | Daylength including civil twilight - hrs |
HUM(L) | Stable humic fraction material in Layer L (kg/ha) |
I | |
I1 | |
I2 | |
ICSDUR | Accumulates days of each growth stage for calculating mean soil water deficit factor CSD1 and CSD2 |
IDAY | |
IDIM(I) | Days in month I |
IDRSW | An integer containing information about downward flowing soil water, = 0 no downward flow, = 1 downward flow |
IDUMSL | Number of layers in soils file (used in DSSAT I/O but not model calculations) |
IDUR | Duration for growth of current leaf |
IECHON | Logical variable to indicate whether inputs are to be echoed to the screen |
IERR | |
IFIN | |
IFIX | |
IFLAG | Switch variable used to direct control to either the leaching component or the upward flux component of subrouting NFLUX |
IFTYPE | Code number for fertilizer type |
IGFD | |
IGO | |
IGSL | |
IH | |
IHVON | Logical variable to indicate that post-harvest comparisons of predicted and observed data are to be displayed on the screen |
II | |
IIRR | Switch variable to indicate type of irrigation (maybe none) |
IIYR | |
ILO | |
IMON | |
INSTE | Institute ID code (DSSAT I/O) |
INU | |
IO | |
IOFF | Switch variable to disable runoff during irrigation |
IOS | |
IOUTGR | Number of days since growth conditions were last written |
IOUTNU | Number of days sine N output was last written |
IOUTWA | Number of days since water conditiong were last written |
IP1 | |
IPHN | |
IPY | |
IREC | |
IREP | |
IRET | Variable to specify an alternate return from subroutine PHENOL when growth stage 6 is reached |
ISIM | |
ISO | |
ISOW | Julian date of sowing |
ISOW2 | |
IST | Variable to determine number of layers considered in unsaturated flow |
ISTAGE | Phenological stage = 1 Emergence to terminal spikelet = 2 Terminal spikelet to end of vegetative growth = 3 End of vegetative growth to end of pre-anthesis ear growth = 4 Pre-anthesis ear growth to beginning of grain fill (anthesis occurs during this phase) = 5 Beginning of grain fill to physiological maturity = 6 Physiological maturity to fallow (harvest) = 7 Fallow to sowing = 8 Sowing to germination = 9 Germination to emergence |
ISWNIT | A switch parameter specified as input that determines whether nitrogen calculators are performed |
ISWSWB | A switch parameter specified as input that determines whether the model calculates the soil water balance parts of the model |
IUOF | |
IUON | |
IV | |
IVAR | |
IX | |
IXX | |
IYR | Last two digits of year |
J | |
JHEAD | Used to write table heading for water use table |
JK | |
JP | |
JUNK | |
K | Reverse loop variable for upflux calculations and day indicator in moving average soil surface temperature calculations |
KHEAD | Used to write table heading for growth table |
KIRR | |
KK | |
KMAX | |
KOUTGR | Frequency in days for printing growth output |
KOUTNU | Frequency in days for printing nitrogen output |
KOUTWA | Frequency in days for printing water use output |
KSOIL | The number assigned to a soil in the soils file |
KVARTY | The number assigned to a crop variety in the variety file |
KYR | |
L | |
L0 | Layer in the soil identified with the sowing depth |
L1 | The number of soil layers to the bottom of the root zone |
L100 | |
LAI | Leaf area index |
LAST | |
LAT | Latitude - degrees (use negative for southern hemisphere) |
LFWT | Leaf weight of all leaves on a plant - g |
LL(L) | Lower limit soil water content for soil Layer L - volume fraction |
LN | Leaf number of the primary tiller |
M | |
MARK | |
MATJD | Observed Julian date of maturity |
MDAY | |
MESS | |
MESS1 | |
MESS2 | |
MF | Zero to unity moisture factor for residue decomposition rate |
MM | |
MO | Number of month of year |
MOD | |
MON | |
MPX | |
MTRT | |
MU | Loop variable to indicate layer below the current layer |
N | |
NC | |
ND | Day of the month |
NDAS | Number of days after sowing |
NDEF1 | Zero to unity N deficiency factor for photosynthetic rate |
NDEF2 | Zero to unity N deficiency factor for expansion growth |
NDEF3 | Zero to unity N deficiency factor for tiller number |
NDEF4 | Zero to unity N deficiency factor for grain N determination |
NDEM | Plant nitrogen demand (g/plant) |
NDEX | |
NFAC | Zero to unity factor based on actual and critical N concentrations |
NFERT | Number of fertilizer applications made |
NFEXP | Variable to indicate whether or not to open a new experiment file (DSSAT I/O) |
NFT | |
NH4(L) | Soil ammonium (PPM) in Layer L |
NHDUP | Used to write table headings for plant N output |
NHUM(I) | N associated with the stable humic fraction in Layer I (kg N/ha) |
NIRR | Number of irrigations |
NL | |
NL1 | |
NLAYR | Number of layers in soil |
NLOW | |
NM1 | |
NNOM | Net N released from all organic sources in a layer (kg N/ha) |
NNYR | |
NO3(L) | Soil nitrate (ppm) in Layer L |
NOT | |
NOUT(L) | Nitrate N leaching from layer (kg N/ha) |
NOUT0 | |
NOUT1 | Logical unit number for output to file OUT1 |
NOUT2 | Logical unit number for output to file OUT2 |
NOUT3 | Logical unit number for output to file OUT3 |
NOUT4 | Logical unit number for output to file OUT4 |
NOUTO | Logical unit number for output to file OUT0 (not used by CERES WHEAT) |
NPOOL | Total plant N available for translocation to grain (g/plant) |
NPOOL1 | Tops N available for translocation to grain (g/plant) |
NPOOL2 | Root N available for translocation to grain (g/plant) |
NR | |
NREC | |
NREP | |
NSDR | Plant N supply/demand ratio used to modify grain N content |
NSENS | Switch variable to indicate whether changes to management variables are to be interactively made or not (DSSAT I/O) |
NSFILE | Variable to indicate whether or not to open a new soils file (DSSAT I/O) |
NSINK | Demand for N associated with grain filling (g/plant/day) |
NTRT | |
NUF | Plant N supply/demand ratio used to modify uptake |
NUMY | Year # in a multi year run |
NUP(L) | Nitrate N moving from Layer L with unsaturated flow (kg N/ha) |
NWFILE | Variable to indicate whether or not to open a new weather file (DSSAT I/O) |
NY | |
NYR | |
OC(L) | Organic carbon in Layer L (%) |
OUT1 | Character variable with file name for output record of crop model inputs Simulated biomass and water balance components at selected phenological stages. |
OUT2 | Character variable with file name for simulated crop variables vs time |
OUT3 | Character variable with file name for weather variables and simulated soil water balance vs time |
OUT4 | Character variable with file name for simulated soil nitrogen variables vs time |
OUT5 | |
OUTN | Nitrate N leaching from a layer (kg N/ha) |
P1 | |
P2 | Thermal time between terminal spikelet and end of vegetative growth, equal to 3 phyllochron intervals - degree C days |
P3 | Thermal time from terminal spikeltt end of pre-anthesis ear elongation growth, equal to 2 phyllochron intervals - degree C days |
P5 | Thermal time between beginning of grain fill and maturity - degree C days |
P9 | Thermal time from germination to seedling emergence - degree C days |
PAR | Daily photosynthetically active radiation, calculated as half the solar radiation - MJ/square metre |
PB | Intermediate quantity for calculating daily runoff - cm |
PBIOMS | Predicted crop biomass at maturity (kg/ha) |
PC | |
PCARB | Daily amount of carbon fixed - g |
PDWI | Potential increment of new shoot growth (g/plant) |
PEDON | Soil Pedon number (used in DSSAT I/O but not model calculations) |
PESW | Potentially extractable soil water in the profile equal to total soil water in the profile equal to total soil water (TSW) minus total water at the lower limit (TLL) - cm |
PGRNWT | Predicted weight of individual grains (mg) |
PGRORT | Potential increment of new root growth (g/plant) |
PH(L) | Soil pH in layer L |
PHFAC3 | |
PHINT | The phyllochron interval-the interval in thermal time between successive leaf and tiller appearances - degree days |
PHN(L) | Zero to unity factor describing the effect of soil pH or nitrification rate on layer L |
PINF | The precipitation that infiltrates into the soil - mm/day = PRECIP - RUNOFF |
PLA | Plant leaf area - sq. cm |
PLAG | The rate of expansion of leaf area on one plant - |
PLANTS | Number of plants per square meter |
PLAS | The rate of senescence of leaf area on one plant - |
PLAY | |
PP1 | |
PP2 | |
PP5 | |
PRECIP | Temporary variable used for rain |
PRFT | Photosynthetic reduction factor for low and high temperatures |
PROF | |
PTF | Fraction of photosynthesis partitioned to above ground plant parts |
RAIN | Precipitation - mm/day |
RANC | Root actual nitrogen concentration (g N/g root dry weight) |
RCN | C:N ratio of root residue of previous crop |
RCNP | Root critical nitrogen concentration (g N/g root dry weight) |
RDECR(J) | The maximum rate constant for decay of residue components (1/days) |
REGM | Mean relative extension growth (REG) during each phyllochron interval |
RFAC | Interim variable describing the effects of root length density on potential N uptake from a layer |
RGFILL | Rate of grain fill - mg/day |
RHMIN | N mineralized from humus in a layer (kg N/ha) |
RLDF(L) | A root length density factor for soil layer L used to calculate new root growth distribution - unitless |
RLNEW | New root length to be added to the total root system length - cm. root per sq. cm. ground |
RLV(L) | Root length per unit soil volume for soil Layer L - cm/cm**3 |
RMNC | Root minimum nitrogen concentration (g N/g root dry weight) |
RNAC | Immobilization rate of N associated with the decay of residues (kg N/ha/day) |
RNDEM | Plant root demand for nitrogen (g/plant) |
RNFAC(L) | Zero to unity factor describing mineral N availability effect on root growth in Layer L |
RNH4U(L) | Potential ammonium uptake from Layer L (kg N/ha) |
RNKG | Amount of N added to soil profile as root residue kg N/ha |
RNLF | Intermediate factor used to calculate distribution of new root growth in the soil - unitless value between 0 and 1 |
RNLOSS | Loss of N from the plant via root exudation in one layer (g. N/plant) |
RNO3U(L) | Potential nitrate uptake from Layer L (kg N/ha) |
RNTRF | Amount of ammonium nitrified in a layer (kg N/ha/day) |
ROOT | Mass of root residue of previous crop (kg/ha) |
ROOTN | Plant root N content (g N/plant) |
RP2 | Temporary variable used in nitrification calculations |
RTDEP | Depth of rooting - cm |
RTSW | Weight of an average stem plus ear relative to a potential stem plus ear |
RTWT | Root weight - g/plant |
RUNOFF | Daily runoff - cm |
RWID | |
RWU(L) | Root water uptake from soil Layer L - cm |
RWUMX | Maximum daily root water uptake per unit root length - cm**3/cm root |
S1 | Sine of latitude |
SALB | Bare soil albedo - unitless |
SANC | Supply of ammonium effect on nitrification capacity |
SARNC | Supply of ammonium effect on the reduction of nitrification capacity (zero to unity, unitless) |
SAT(L) | Field saturated soil water content in Layer L - volume fraction |
SCN | C:N ratio of surface residue of previous crop |
SDEP | Depth of incorporation of residue (CM) |
SDEPTH | Depth of seeding in soil - cm |
SDEV | |
SEEDRV | Reserve carbohydrates in seed for use by plant in seedling stage - g |
SENLA | Area of leaf that senesces from a tiller on a given day - |
SFAC | |
SI1(I) | Accumulates SWDF1 for growth stage I |
SI2(I) | Accumulates SWDF2 for growth stage I |
SI3(I) | Accumulates NFAC for growth stage I |
SI4(I) | Accumulates NDEF2 for growth stage I |
SIND | |
SITEE | Codes for site ID (used in DSSAT I/O but not model calculations) |
SITES | Codes for site ID (used in DSSAT I/O but not model calculations) |
SITEW | Codes for site ID (used in DSSAT I/O but not model calculations) |
SKERWT | Weight of a single kernel - g |
SKGN | |
SLA | |
SLAN | |
SLFC | |
SLFN | |
SLFT | |
SLFW | |
SMDFR | Soil moisture deficit factor affecting N uptake |
SMX | Intermediate quantity used to calculate daily runoff |
SNH4(L) | Soil ammonium in Layer L (kg N/ha) |
SNKG | Amount of N added to soil profile as fresh residue kg N/ha |
SNO3(L) | Soil nitrate in Layer L (kg N/ha) |
SNOW | Precipitation in the form of snow - mm |
SOILC | Soil carbon content (kg C/ha) |
SOILN | Variable used to modify initial soil water status |
SOLRAD | Solar radiation - LY/day |
SPPM | |
SQRT | |
ST | |
ST(L) | Soil temperature in Layer L (degrees C) |
STAR | |
STMWT | Stem weight of an average tiller after terminal spikelet - g |
STORE | Array to store end of year data for multi-year run (local to main program) |
STOVER | Predicted straw biomass at maturity (kg/ha) |
STRAW | Mass of surface residue of previous crop (kg/ha) |
SUMDTT | The sum of daily thermal time (DTT) for various phenological stages - degree days |
SUMES1 | Accumulative soil evaporation in stage 1 - mm |
SUMES2 | Accumulative soil evaporation in stage 2 - mm |
SUMP | |
SW(L) | Actual soil water content in Layer L - volume fraction |
SWCON | Constant for calculating drainage rate |
SWCON1 | |
SWCON2 | |
SWCON3 | |
SWDF | Soil water deficit factor for Layer L used to calculate root growth and water uptake - unitless value between 0 and 1 |
SWDF1 | Soil water deficit factor used to calculate the reduction in the less sensitive process of photosynthesis and transpiration - unitless value between 0 and 1 |
SWDF2 | Soil water deficit factor used to calculate the reduction in more sensitive process of leaf growth and tiller formation - unitless value between 0 and 1 |
SWDF3 | Soil water deficit factor affecting tillering when the top soil layer is dry |
SWEF | Soil water evaporation fraction. The fraction of the lower limit water content that determines the lowest possible value the top soil layer water content can become by soil evaporation. The value depends on the depth of the first layer. |
SWF | |
SWINIT(L) | Default initial water content for each soil layer - cm/cm |
SWMIN | Minimum stem weight of a plant after anthesis, used to calculate amount of reserves that can be used to fill grain - g |
SWON | |
SWR | Unitless value used to calculate initial value of SUMES2 |
SWSD | An approximation of the soil water content above the lower limit at the seeding depth used to determine whether the seed can germinate (volume fraction) |
SWX(L) | Temporary array for soil water in layers (volume fraction) |
SY | Interim variable used in soil temperature calculation |
T | Time after 2nd stage soil evaporation is reached-days |
TA | |
TANC | Tops actual N concentration (g N/g dry weight) |
TAV | Annual average ambient temperature (degrees C) |
TAXON | Soil classification name (used in DSSAT I/O but not model calculations) |
TBASE | Base temperature where development rate is zero calculate winter dormancy - degrees |
TBD | Accumulator used to calculate average bulk density |
TCNP | Tops critical N concentration (g N/g dry weight) |
TD | Weighted temperature used to calculate potential evaporation - degrees |
TDUL | Total soil water held in the soil at the drained upper limit - cm |
TEMPM | Mean temperature - degrees C |
TEMPMN | Minimum temperature - degrees C |
TEMPMX | Maximum temperature - degrees C |
TEXT | |
TF | epauefcofor nitrification on mineralization |
TFAC | |
TFY(L) | Yesterday's temperature factor for nitrification in Layer L |
THET1 | The soil water content above the lower limit (LL) for the upper layer of soil for water flow from a lower layer-volume fraction |
THET2 | The soil water content above the lower, limit (LL) for the lower osi o ater flow into an upper layer-volume fraction |
TI | Fraction of a phyllochron interval which occurred as a fraction of today's daily thermal time |
TIFOM | Total initial fresh organic matter (kg/ha |
TIFON | Total initial fresh organic matter (kg N/ha) |
TITLEE | Experiment title (DSSAT I/O) |
TITLER | Experiment title (DSSAT I/0) |
TITLET | Treatment title (DSSAT I/O) |
TITLEW | Weather station title (DSSAT I/O) |
TLCH | |
TLL | Total soil water in the soil profile at the lower limit - cm |
TLNO | |
TMA(K) | 5 Day moving average soil surface temperature for day K |
TMIN | |
TMNC | Plant tops minimum nitrogen concentration (g N/g dry weight) |
TMP | |
TNDEM | Plant tops demand for nitrogen (g N/plant) |
TNH4 | |
TNO3 | |
TNOX | |
TNUP | Total N uptake from the profile on 1 day (kg N/ha) |
TOTN | Total mineral N in a layer (kg N/ha) |
TOTNUP | Predicted total shoot N uptake at maturity (kg N/ha) |
TPESW | Total potential extractable soil water in the soil profile - cm |
TPRECP | Total precipitation - mm |
TRAIN | Total rainfall -mm (used only in multiple-year runs |
TRLDF | An intermediate calculation used to calculate distribution of new root growth in soil |
TRLV | Total root length density variable |
TRNLOS | Total plant N lost by root exudation (g N/plant) |
TRNU | Total potential root nitrogen uptake from the soil (kg N/ha) |
TRWU | Total potential daily root water uptake from the soil-plant system - cm |
TSAT | Total soil water in profile at filed saturation - cm |
TSW | Total soil water in the profile - cm |
TT | |
TTMP | |
U | Upper limit of stage 1 soil evaporation - mm |
UNH4 | Plant uptake of ammonium from a layer (kg N/ha) |
UNO3 | Plant uptake of nitrate from a layer (kg N/ha) |
UPPM | |
UREA | |
VA | |
VANC | Plant vegetative actual N concentration (g N/plant) |
VAR | |
VARTY | Variety name |
VHI | |
VLO | |
VMNC | Plant vegetative minimum N concentration (g N/g dry weight) |
WAT1 | Temporary variable used in upward flow calculations |
WC | Moisture content affect on soil temperature |
WET1 | |
WF(L) | Weighting factor for soil depth L to determining |
WFD | Today's water factor for nitrification |
WFY(L) | Yesterday's water factor for nitrification in layer L |
WR(L) | Weighting factor for soil depth L to determine new root growth distribution - unitless |
WRN(L) | Temporary variable used to calculate distribution of residues in the soil |
WSUM | Variable used to calculate distribution of organic residues |
WUF | An intermediate factor used to calculate root water uptake - unitless |
WW | Soil porosity |
WX | Intermediate value used to calculate runoff |
X | |
XANC | Tops actual N concentration (%) |
XAPTNP | Observed total straw N uptake at maturity (kg N/ha) |
XBAR | |
XBIOM | Observed biomass at maturity (kg/ha) |
XGNP | |
XGNUP | Observed grain N uptake (kg grain N/ha) |
XGPE | Observed number of grains per ear |
XGPSM | Observed number of grain per square metre |
XGRNWT | Observed weight of individual grains (mg) |
XI | Non-integer Julian date |
XL | Temporary variables used to determine soil |
XLAI | Observe maximum leaf area index |
XMIN | |
XN | |
XNF | |
XNTI | |
XPLANT | Temporary variable to transfer the value of the numbers of plants/sq.metre |
XPTN | |
XSTAGE | Non-integer growth stage indicator ranging from zero to six |
XSTRAW | Observe biomass of straw at harvest (kg/ha) |
XT | Temperature effect on nitrification capacity |
XTOTNP | Observe total shoot N uptake at maturity (kg N/ha) |
XW | Moisture effect on nitrification capacity |
XX | Intermediate value used to calculate runoff |
XYIELD | Observed grain yield kg/ha |
Y1 | |
Y2 | |
YEAR | Year number (last two digits) |
YIELD | Yield - kg/ha |
YIELDB | Yield - bushels/acre |
YR | |
Z(L) | Depth to midpoint of soil layer L (mm) |
ZD | Variable used in the calculation of soil temperature |