Publications as of July 1, 2016
Distinguished Professor Emeritus Joe T. Ritchie
1. Ritchie, J.T. and E. Burnett. 1968. A precision weighing lysimeter for crop water use studies. Agron. J. 60:545-549.
2. Adams, J.E., J.T. Ritchie, E. Burnett and D.W. Fryrear. 1969. Evaporation from a simulated soil shrinkage crack. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 33:609-613.
3. Horton, M.L., L.N. Namken and J.T. Ritchie. 1970. Role of plant canopies in evapotranspiration. Proc. of Great Plain Agric. Council Conf. on Evapotranspiration, Bushland, TX, March 1970. Great Plains Agric. Council Pub. No. 50. pp. 301-338.
4. Ritchie, J.T. 1971. Dryland evaporative flux in a subhumid climate: I. Micrometeorological influences. Agron. J. 63:51-55.
5. Ritchie, J.T. and E. Burnett. 1971. Dryland evaporative flux in a subhumid climate: II. Plant influences. Agron. J. 63:56-62.
6. Jordan, W.R. and J.T. Ritchie. 1971. Influence of soil water stress on evaporation, root absorption, and internal water status of cotton. Plant Phys. 48:783-788.
7. Ritchie, J.T. 1972. Model for predicting evaporation from a row crop with incomplete cover. Water Resources Res. 8:1204-1213. (Citation Classic, 1985.)
8. Ritchie, J.T., E. Burnett, and R.C. Henderson. 1972. Dryland evaporative flux in a subhumid climate: III. Soil water influence. Agron. J. 64:168-173.
9. Ritchie, J.T. and W.R. Jordan. 1972. Dryland evaporative flux in a subhumid climate: IV. Relation to plant water status. Agron. J. 64:173-176.
10. Ritchie, J.T., D.E. Kissel and E. Burnett. 1972. Water movement in undisturbed swelling clay soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 36:874-879.
11. Kissel, D.E., J.T. Ritchie and E. Burnett. 1973. Chloride movement in undisturbed swelling clay soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 37:21-34.
12. Richardson, C.W. and J.T. Ritchie. 1973. Soil water balance for small watersheds. Trans. of the Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. 16:72-77.
13. Ritchie, J.T. 1973. Influence of soil water status and meteorological conditions on evaporation from a corn canopy. Agron. J. 65:893-897.
14. Ritchie, J.T. and J.E. Adams. 1974. Field measurement of evaporation from soil shrinkage cracks. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 38:131-134.
15. Kissel, D.E. and J.T. Ritchie. 1974. The effect of overburden pressure on chloride and water movement in swelling clay soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 38:391-394.
16. Ritchie, J.T. 1974. Atmospheric and soil water influences on the plant water balance. Agr. Meteorol. 14:183-198.
17. Kissel, D.E., J.T. Ritchie and E. Burnett. 1974. Nitrate and chloride leaching in a swelling clay soil measured by an undisturbed drainage lysimeter. J. Environ. Qual. 3:401-404.
18. Brown, K.W., C.J. Gerard, B.W. Hipp and J.T. Ritchie. 1974. A procedure for placing large undisturbed monoliths in lysimeters. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 38:981-983.
19. Arkin, G.F., J.T. Ritchie and J.E. Adams. 1974. A method for measuring first-stage soil water evaporation in the field. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 38:951-954.
20. Ritchie, J.T. 1975. Evaluating irrigation needs for Southeastern USA. In Contribution of irrigation and drainage to world food supply. Proc. Irrigation and Drainage Div. Specialty Conf., Biloxi, MS, August 14-16, 1974. Am. Soc. Civil Eng., NY.
21. Arkin, G.F., J.T. Ritchie, M. Thompson and R. Chaison. 1975. A large automated rainout shelter installation for crop water deficit studies. Texas Agr. Exp. Sta. Misc. Pub. 1199.
22. Kissel, D.E., J.T. Ritchie and C.W. Richardson. 1975. Stress day concept to improve nitrogen fertilizer recommendations: Dryland grain sorghum in the Texas Blacklands. Texas Agr. Exp. Sta. Misc. Pub. 1201.
23. Richardson, C.W., J.T. Ritchie and D.A. Wright. 1975. Modeling evaporation components of multi-land-use watersheds. Oral pres. at 1975 Annual Meeting, American Society of Agric. Eng., Davis, CA, June 22-25, 1975. Mimeo Paper No. 75-2029.
24. Ritchie, J.T. (Contributing Author). 1975. Chapter 2.2. Interpretation of induced climatic changes in climatic variables: Evapotranspiration; soil-water balance, drought, and other hydrologic implications. pp. 2-47, 2-60. In Impacts of Climatic Change on the Biosphere, Part 2 - Climatic Effects. CIAP Monograph 5.
25. Ritchie, J.T. (Contributing Author). 1975. Chapter 4.1. Agronomic implications: Grain sorghum. pp. 2-173, 4-176. In Impacts of climatic change on the biosphere, Part 2 - Climatic Effects. CIAP Monograph 5.
26. Arkin, G.F., J.T. Ritchie, M. Thompson and R. Chaison. 1976. A rainout shelter installation for studying drought stress. Agron. J. 68:429-431.
27. Ritchie, J.T., E.D. Rhoades and C.W. Richardson. 1976. Calculating evaporation from native grasslands by using atmospheric, soil, and plant information. Trans. of the Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. 19(6):1098-1103.
28. Kissel, D.E., J.T. Ritchie and C.W. Richardson. 1976. Match fertilizer to weather. Crops and Soils Magazine. 28(6):7-9.
29. Reicosky, D.C. and J.T. Ritchie. 1976. Relative importance of soil resistance and plant resistance in root water absorption. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 40:293-297.
30. Adams, J.E., G.F. Arkin and J.T. Ritchie. 1976. Influence of row spacing and straw mulch on first stage drying. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 40:436-442.
31. Arkin, G.F., R.L. Vanderlip and J.T. Ritchie. 1976. A dynamic grain sorghum growth model. Trans. of the Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. 19(4):622-624, 630.
32. Arkin, G.F., J.T. Ritchie and S.J. Maas. 1978. A model for calculating light interception by a grain sorghum canopy. Trans. of the Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. 21(2):303-308.
33. Yule, D.F. and J.T. Ritchie. Soil shrinkage variability in Houston Black Clay. Proc. Conf. Soil Variability, Canberra, Australia, February 12, 1979.
34. Lonkerd, W.E. and J.T. Ritchie. 1979. Split root observation system for root dynamics studies. Agron. J. 71:519-522.
35. Ritchie, J.T. 1979. Water management and water efficiencies for American Agriculture. Proceedings for Weather and Agricultural Symposium, Kansas City, October, 1979.
36. Meyer, W.S. and J.T. Ritchie. 1980. Resistance to water flow in the sorghum plant. Plant Phys. 65:33-39.
37. Meyer, W.S. and J.T. Ritchie. 1980. Water status of cotton as related to taproot length. Agron. J. 72:577-580.
38. Ritchie, J.T. 1980. Adaptation of plants to water and high temperature stress. Chapter 1. In N. C. Turner and P. J. Kramer (ed.) Plant stress research and crop production: The challenge ahead. pp. 21-29. John Wiley and Sons, NY.
39. Yule, D.F. and J.T. Ritchie. 1980. Soil shrinkage relationships of Texas Vertisols. I. Small cores. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 44(6):1285-1291.
40. Yule, D.F. and J.T. Ritchie. 1980. Soil shrinkage relationships of Texas Vertisols. II. Large cores. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 44(6):1291-1295.
41. Kanemasu, E.T. and J.T. Ritchie. 1980. Minimizing stress in crop production: Climate and weather. J Natl. Fert. Solutions Assoc. 24:98-104.
42. Ritchie, J.T. 1980. Climate and soil water. pp. 1-23. In Moving up the yield curve: Advances and obstacles. Am. Soc. Agron. Spec. Pub.No. 39, ASA,CSSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.
43. Ritchie, J.T. 1981. Water dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere. Plant and Soil. 58:81-96.
44. Ritchie, J.T. 1981. Soil water availability. Plant and Soil. 58:327-338.
45. Rose, C.W., F.W. Chichester, J.R. Williams and J.T. Ritchie. 1982. A contribution to simplified models of field solute transport. J. of Environ. Qual. 11:146-150.
46. Rose, C.W., F.W. Chichester, J.R. Williams and J.T. Ritchie. 1982. Application of an approximate analytic method of computing solute profiles with dispersion in soils. J. of Environ. Qual. 11:151-155.
47. Ritchie, J.T. 1982. Reduction of stresses related to soil water deficit. pp. 329-340. In C.D. Raper, Jr. and P.J. Kramer (ed.) Crop Reactions to Water and Temperature Stresses in Humid, Temperate Climates. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
48. Perry, C.R., J.L. Rogers and J.T. Ritchie. 1982. A comparison of measured and estimated meteorological data for use in crop growth modeling. AgRISTARS Publication No. YM-J2-04359.
49. Ritchie, J.T. 1983. Efficient water use on crop production: Discussion on the generality of relations between biomass production and evapotranspiration. pp. 29-44. Chapter 1B. In H.M. Taylor, W.R. Jordan, and T.R. Sinclair (ed.) Limitations to Efficient water use in crop production. ASA Spec. Publ. ASA, CSSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
50. Ratliff, L.F., J.T. Ritchie and D.K. Cassel. 1983. Field-measured limits of soil water availability as related to laboratory-measured properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 47(4):770-775.
51. Cassel, D.K., L.F. Ratliff and J.T. Ritchie. 1983. Models for estimating potential in situ plant extractable water using soil physical and chemical properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 47(4):764-769.
52. Kiniry, J.R., J.T. Ritchie, R.L. Musser, E.P. Flint and W.C. Iwig. 1983. The photoperiod sensitive interval in maize. Agron. J. 75:687-690.
53. Kiniry, J.R., J.T. Ritchie and R.L. Musser. 1983. Dynamic nature of the photoperiod response in maize. Agron. J. 75:700-703.
54. Upchurch, D.R., J.T. Ritchie and M.A. Foale. 1983. Design of a large dual-structure rainout shelter. Agron. J. 75:845-848.
55. Upchurch, D.R. and J.T. Ritchie. 1983. Root observations using a video recording system in mini-rhizotrons. Agron. J. 75:1009-1015.
56. Blum, A. and J.T. Ritchie. 1984. Effect of soil surface water content on sorghum root distribution in the soil. Field Crops Research. 8:169-176.
57. Upchurch, D.R., and J.T. Ritchie. 1984. Battery-operated color video camera for root observation in min-rhizotrons. Agron. J. 76:1015-1017.
58. Ritchie, J.T. 1985. Eficiencia Del Uso Del Agua En Regiones Templadas. X Congreso Argentino Y VIII Latinoamericano De La Ciencia DEl Suelo. October 1983. MarDel Plata, Argentina. pp. 65-83.
59. Ritchie, J.T. 1985. Using Weather, soils, and management information for farm decision making. pp. 73-78. In R.F. Dale (ed.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Weather and Climate Research Needs for Agriculture in the Nineties. October 1984. Kansas City, MO.
60. Ritchie, J.T. and S. Otter. 1985. Description and performance of CERES-Wheat: A user-oriented wheat yield model. USDA-ARS. ARS-38. pp. 159-175.
61. Ritchie, J.T. 1985. A user-oriented model of the soil water balance in wheat. pp. 293-305. In W. Day and R. K. Atkin (ed.) Wheat growth and modelling. Series A: Life Sciences Vol. 86. Plenum Press, NY.
62. Otter, S. and J.T. Ritchie. 1985. Validation of the CERES-Wheat model in diverse environments. pp. 307-310. In W. Day and R.K. Atkin (ed.) Wheat growth and modelling. Series A: Life Sciences Vol. 86. Plenum Press, NY.
63. Matis, J.H., T. Saito, W.E. Grant, W.C. Iwig and J.T. Ritchie. 1985. A Markov chain approach to crop yield forecasting. Ag. Sys. 18:171-187.
64. J.R. Kiniry and J.T. Ritchie. 1985. Shade-sensitive interval of kernel number of maize. Agron. J. 77(5):711-715.
65. Dugas, W.A., D.R. Upchurch and J.T. Ritchie. 1985. A weighing lysimeter for evapotranspiration and root measurements. Agron. J. 77(5):821-825.
66. Martin, E.C., J.T. Ritchie and T.L. Loudon. 1985. Use of the CERES-Maize model to evaluate irrigation strategies for humid regions. Advances in Evapotranspiration. Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Evapotranspiration. December 1985. Chicago, IL. Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. Publication 14-85:342-350.
67. Ritchie, J.T. 1985. Evapotranspiration empiricisms for minimizing risk in rainfed agriculture. Advances in Evapotranspiration. Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Evapotranspiration. December 1985. Chicago, IL. Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. Publication 14-85:139-150.
68. Ritchie, J.T. 1986. Soil water and plant productivity. Proceedings of the International Society of Soil Science Congress. August 1986. Hamburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany.
69. Ritchie, J.T. 1986. Using computerized crop models for management decisions. p. 27-41. In Proc. International DLG-Congress for Computer Technology. May 1986. Hannover, Fed. Rep. of Germany.
70. Ritchie, J.T., E.C. Alocilja, U. Singh and G. Uehara. 1986. IBSNAT and the CERES-Rice model. Proceedings of the Workshop on Impact of Weather Parameters on Growth and Yield of Rice. April 1986. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines.
71. Ritchie, J.T. 1986. Using simulation models for predicting crop performance. Symposium on the Role of Soils in Systems Analysis for Agrotechnology Transfer. August 1986. ISSS Congress. Hamburg, FRG. VI:963-969.
72. Ritchie, J.T. 1986. The CERES-Maize model. pp.3-6. In C.A. Jones and J.R. Kiniry (ed.) CERES-Maize: A simulation model of maize growth and development. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, TX.
73. Ritchie, J.T., J.R. Kiniry, C.A. Jones, and P.T. Dyke. 1986. Model inputs. pp. 37-48. In C.A. Jones and J.R. Kiniry (ed.) CERES-Maize: A simulation model of maize growth and development. Texas A&M Press, College Station, TX.
74. Jones, C.A., J.T. Ritchie, J.R. Kiniry and D.C. Godwin. 1986. Subroutine Structure. pp. 49-111. In C.A. Jones and J.R. Kiniry (ed.) CERES-Maize: A simulation model of maize growth and development. Texas A&M Press, College Station, TX.
75. Otter-Nacke, S., D.C. Godwin and J.T. Ritchie. 1987. Testing and validating the CERES-Wheat model in diverse environments. AgRISTARS Publication No. YM-15-00407.
76. Ritchie, J.T. 1987. Using crop models as a decision support system to reduce nitrate leaching. pp. 179-192. In F. M. D'Itri and L. G. Wolfson (ed.) Rural groundwater contamination. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, Michigan.
77. Ritchie, J.T. 1987. Efficient use of precipitation in humid regions. pp. 327-336. In Future developments in soil science research. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Golden Anniversary Publication. Madison, WI.
78. Ritchie, J.T., L.F. Ratliff and D.K. Cassel. 1987. Soil survey laboratory data, field descriptions and field measured soil water limits for some soils in the United States. ARS Technical Bulletin. For the main document click here. To get the entire document (including 200+ pages of appendix) click here.
79. Smucker, A.J.M., J.C. Ferguson, W.P. DeBruyn, R.K. Belford and J.T. Ritchie. 1987. Image analysis of video-recorded plant root systems. p.67-80. In Minirhizotron observation tubes: Methods and applications for measuring rhizoshpere dynamics. ASA Spec. Pub. 50. ASA, CSSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.
80. Ritchie, J.T. 1987. Use of rainshelters in plant water stress research. pp. 209-211. In Proc. Intnl. Conf. on Measurement of Soil and Water Status. Vol. 2. July 6-10, 1987. Logan, UT.
81. Boggess, W.G. and J.T. Ritchie. 1988. Economic and risk analysis of irrigation decisions in humid regions. J. Prod. Agric. 1:116-122.
82. Algozin, K.A., V.F. Bralts and J.T. Ritchie. 1988. Irrigation strategy selection based on yield, water and energy use relationships: A Michigan example. J. Soil and Water Cons. 43:428-431.
83. Ritchie, J.T. and S.A. Rhines. 1988. Efficient use of precipitation in crop production in humid regions. p. 9-11. In 1989 Yearbook of science and technology. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, NY.
84. Martin, E.C., J.T. Ritchie, S.M. Reese, T.L. Loudon and B. Knezek. 1988. A large-area, lightweight rainshelter with programmable control. Trans. of the ASAE. 31:5, p. 1440-1444. Am. Soc. of Ag. Engr., St. Joseph, MI.
85. Ritchie, J.T., B.D. Baer, and T.Y. Chou. 1989. Effect of global climate change on agriculture in the Great Lakes region. p. 1-30. In The potential effects of global climate change on the United States. Appendix C, Agriculture. Vol. 1. J.B. Smith and D.A. Tirpak (eds.). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA-230-05-89-053.
86. Ritchie, J.T., and J. Crum. 1989. Converting soil survey characterization data into IBSNAT crop model input. p. 155-167. In J. Bouma and A.K. Bregt (ed.) Land qualities in space and time. Wageningen, the Netherlands.
87. Box, J.E., A.J.M. Smucker, and J.T. Ritchie. 1989. Minirhizotron installation techniques for investigating root responses to drought and oxygen stresses. Soil Sci. Am. J. 53:1 p.115-118. Madison, WI.
88. Ritchie, J.T. 1989. Crop models and decision making: Scenario for the future. p. 106-117. In A. Weiss (ed.) Climate and agriculture systems approaches to decision making. Proc. Am. Meteor. Soc. 5-7 March 1989. Charleston, SC.
89. Singh, U., D.C. Godwin, C.G. Humphries, and J.T. Ritchie. 1989. A computer model to predict the growth and development of cereals. p. 668-675. In J.K. Clema (ed.) Proc. of 1989 Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Soc. Computer Simulation, 21st annual Simulation Computer Conference, July 24-27, 1989. Austin, TX.
90. NeSmith, D.S., A. Miller and J.T. Ritchie. 1990. An irrigation system for plots under a rainshelter. Ag. Water Management. 17:409-414.
91. Ritchie, J.T. and B.S. Johnson. 1990. Soil and plant factors affecting evapotranspiration. p. 364-390. In B. Stewart and Nielson (ed.) Irrigation of agriculture crops. Agron. Monogr. 30, ASA, CSSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
92. Adams, R.M., C.Rosenzweig, R.M. Peart, J.T. Ritchie, B.A. McCarl, J.D. Glyer, R. B. Curry, J.W. Jones, K.J. Boote, and L. H. Allen, Jr. 1990. Global climate change and US agriculture. Nature. 345(6272):219-224.
93. Alocilja, E.C. and J.T. Ritchie. 1990. The application of SIMOPT2:RICE to evaluate profit and yield-risk in upland rice production. Ag. Systems 33(1990):315-326.
94. Ritchie, J.T. and M. Amato. 1990. Field evaluation of plant extractable water for irrigation scheduling. Acta Horticulturae. 278(1990) Vol.11:595-615.
95. Ritchie, J.T., D.C. Godwin, and U. Singh. 1990. Soil and weather inputs for the IBSNAT crop models. p. 31-45. In Proc. of the IBSNAT Symposium: Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer. Part I: Symposium proceedings. Las Vegas, NV. 16-18 Oct. 1989. Dept. of Agronomy and Soil Science, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.
96. Alocilja, E.C., J.T. Ritchie, and B. Baer. 1991. Structured programming in simulation models. p. 107-114. In T. Hodges (ed.) Predicting crop phenology. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL.
97. Hodges, T. and J.T. Ritchie. 1991. The CERES-Wheat phenology model. p. 133-141. In T. Hodges (ed.) Predicting crop phenology. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL.
98. Alagarswamy, G. and J.T. Ritchie. 1991. Phasic development in CERES-Sorghum model. p.143-152. In T. Hodges (ed.) Predicting crop phenology. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL.
99. Alocilja, E.C. and J.T. Ritchie. 1991. A model for the phenology of rice. p. 181-189. In T. Hodges (ed.) Predicting crop phenology. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL.
100. Ritchie, J.T. 1991. Specifications of the ideal model for predicting crop yields. p.97-122. In R.C. Muchow and J.A. Bellamy (eds.) Climatic risk in crop production: Models and management for the semi-arid tropics and subtropics. Proc. Intnl. Symposium, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. July 2-6, 1990. C.A.B. International, Wallingford, U.K.
101. Jones, J.W. and J.T. Ritchie. 1991. Crop growth models. p. 63-89. In G.J. Hoffman, T.A. Howell, and K.H. Solomon (ed.) Management of farm irrigation systems. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
102. Jones, C.A., W.A. Bland, J.T. Ritchie, and J.R. Williams. 1991. Simulation of root growth. p. 91-123. In Hanks and Ritchie (ed.) Modeling plant and soil systems. Agron. Monogr. 31, ASA, CSSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.
103. Ritchie, J.T.1991. Wheat phasic development. p. 31-54. In Hanks and Ritchie (ed.) Modeling plant and soil systems. Agron. Monogr. 31, ASA, CSSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.
104. Ritchie, J.T. and D.S. NeSmith. 1991. Temperature and Crop Development. p. 5-29. In Hanks and Ritchie (ed.) Modeling plant and soil systems. Agron. Monogr. 31, ASA, CSSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.
105. Smucker, A.J.M., A. Nunez-Barrios, J.T. Ritchie. 1991. Root dynamics in drying soil environments. Belowground Ecol. Spring:4-5.
106. NeSmith, D.S. and J.T. Ritchie. 1992. Short- and long-term responses of corn to a preanthesis soil water deficit. Agron. J. 84(1):107-113.
107. NeSmith, D.S. and J.T. Ritchie. 1992. Effects of soil water deficits during tassel emergence on development and yield component of maize (Zea mays L.). Field Crops Res. 28:251-256.
108. Villalobos, F.J. and J.T. Ritchie. 1992. The effect of temperature on leaf emergence rates of sunflower genotypes. Field Crops Res. 29:37-46.
109. NeSmith, D.S. and J.T. Ritchie. 1992. Corn (Zea mays L.) response to an intermittent soil water deficit during grain filling. Field Crops Res. 29:23-35.
110. Alocilja, E.C. and J.T. Ritchie. 1993. Multicriteria optimization for a sustainable agriculture. p. 381-396. In F. Penning de Vries, P. Teng, and K. Metselaar (ed.) Systems approaches for agricultural development. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
111. Ritchie, J.T. 1993. Genetic specific data for crop modeling. p. 77-93. In F. Penning de Vries, P. Teng, and K. Metselaar (ed.) Systems approaches for agricultural development. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
112. Griffin, T.S., B.S. Johnson, and J.T. Ritchie. 1993. A simulation model for potato growth and development: SUBSTOR-Potato Version 2.0. Research Report Series 02. IBSNAT. Dept. of Agronomy and Soil Science, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.
113. F. Hoffman and J.T. Ritchie. 1993. Model for slurry and manure in CERES and similar models. J. Agron. and Crop Sci. 170:330-340.
114. Jones, J.W., W.T. Bowen, W.G. Boggess, J.T. Ritchie. 1993. Decision support systems for sustainable agriculture. p. 123-138. In Technologies for sustainable agriculture in the tropics. ASA Spec. Public. 56. ASA, CSSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
115. Ritchie, J.T. Classification of crop simulation models. 1994. In P.F. Uhlir and G.C. Carter (eds.) Crop modeling and related environmental data: A focus on applications for airid and semiarid regions in developing countries. 1:3-14. CODATA, Paris, France.
116. Martin, E.C., T.L. Loudon, J.T. Ritchie, and A. Werner. 1994. Use of drainage lysimeters to evaluate nitrogen and irrigation management strategies to minimize nitrate leaching in maize production. Trans. of the ASAE. 37(1):79-83.
117. Hunt, L.A., J.W. Jones, G. Hoogenboom, D.C. Godwin, U. Singh, N. Pickering, P.K Thornton, K.J. Boote, and J.T. Ritchie. 1994. General input and output file structures for crop simulation models. In P.F. Uhlir and G.C. Carter (ed.) Crop modeling and related environmental data: a focus on applications for arid and semiarid regions in developing countries. 1:35-73.
118. Ritchie, J.T. 1994. Irrigation in humid regions. In Encyclopedia of Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 2:611-620. Academic Press. San Diego, CA.
119. Ritchie, J.T. and J.B. Dent. 1994. Data requirements for agricultural systems research and applications. p. 153-166. In P. Goldsworthy and F.W.T. Penning de Vries (ed.) Opportunities, use and transfer of systems research methods in agriculture to developing countries. Kluwer Academic Publ. The Netherlands.
120. Rosenzweig, C., B. Curry, J.T. Ritchie, J.W. Jones, T.-Y. Chou, R. Goldberg, and A. Iglesias. 1994. The effects of potential climate change on simulated grain crops of the United States. InUSEPA Rep. 230-B-94-003 Implications of climate change for international agriculture: Crop modeling study. U.S. Gov. Print. Office, Washington, D.C.
121. Schroeder, K., A.Kamel, J. Sticklen, R. Ward, J. Ritchie, and U. Schulthess. 1994. Guiding object-oriented design via the knowledge level architecture: The irrigated wheat testbed. Mathl. Comput. Modelling. Vol. 20(8):1-16.
122. Lizaso, J.I. and J.T. Ritchie. 1995. A field facility for monitoring root systems as affected by water table management. p. 445-451 In H.W. Belcher and F.M. D'Itri (ed.) Subirrigation and controlled drainage. Lewis Publishers, Boca Ratan, FL.
123. Amato, M. and J.T. Ritchie. 1995. Small scale soil water content measurement with time-domain reflectometry. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 59:325-329.
124. Kamel, A., K. Schroeder, J. Sticklen, A. Rafea, A. Salah, U. Schulthess, R. Ward, and J.T. Ritchie. 1995. Integrated wheat crop management based on generic task knowledge-based systems and CERES numberical simulation. Al Applications. Vol. 9(1):17-28.
125. Kamel, A., J. Sticklen, K. Schroeder, E. El-Sheikh, U. Schulthess, R. Ward, J.T. Ritchie, A. Rafea, and A. Salah. 1995. Intelligent decision support system using the CERES-Wheat crop modeling system. P. 711-718. In J.M. Power, M. Stone, and T.C. Daniel (ed.) Decision support - 2001. Proc. 17th Annual Geographic Information Seminar and the Resource Technology '94 Symposium, Toronto. 12-16 September 1994. Am. Soc. For Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Bethesda, MD.
126. Schulthess, U., R. Ward, J.T. Ritchie, K. Schroeder, A. Kamel, J. Sticklen, A. Salah, A. Rafea, A. Abd El-Shafy, A. Abd El-Chani, S. Shaban. 1995. Weed identification using a picture-based hierarchical classification system. p. 719-728. In J.M. Poer, M. Stone, and T.C. Daniel (ed.) Decision support - 2001. Proc. 17th Annual Geographic Information Seminar and the Resource Technology '94 Symposium, Toronto. 12-16 September 1994. Am. Soc. For Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Bethesda, MD.
127. Basso, B., J.T. Ritchie, and E.C. Martin. 1995. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer management on nitrate leaching. p. 539-548. In C. Giupponi, A. Marani, and F. Morari (ed.) Modelling the fate of agrochemicals and fertilizers in the environment. Proc. Intn'l. Workshop European Society of Agronomy, Venice, Italy, 3-5 March, 1994. ESA and Unipress, Padova, Italy.
128. Wang, S.Y., R. Ward, J.T. Ritchie, R.A. Fischer, and U. Schulthess. 1995. Vernalization in wheat. I.A. model based on the interchangeability of plant age and vernalization duration. Field Crops Res. 41:91-100.
129. Wang, S.Y., R.W. Ward, J.T. Ritchie, R.A. Fischer and U. Schulthess. 1995. Vernalization in wheat: II. Genetic variability for the interchangeability of plant age and vernalization duration. Field Crops Res. 44:67-72.
130. Ritchie, J.T. 1996. International consortium for agricultural systems applications (ICASA): Establishment and purpose. Ag. Sys. J. 49(4):329-335.
131. Kovacs, G.J., J.T. Ritchie, and T. NŽmeth. 1996. Testing simulation models for the assessment of crop production and nitrate leaching in Hungary. Ag. Sys. J. 49(4):385-397.
132. Ritchie, J.T., T.S. Griffin, and B.S. Johnson. 1996. SUBSTOR: A functional model of potato growth, development and yield. P. 401-435. In P. Kabat, B. Marshall, B.J. van den Broek, J. Vos, H. Van Keulen (ed.) Modelling and Parameterization of the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
133. Villalobos, F.J., A.J. Hall, J.T. Ritchie, and F. Orgaz. 1996. OILCROP-SUN: A development, growth and yield model of the sunflower crop. Agron. J. 88(3):403-415.
134. Savage, M., J.T. Ritchie, W.L. Bland, and W.A. Dugas. 1996. Lower limit of soil water availability. Agron. J. 88:644-651.
135. Martin, E.C., J.T. Ritchie, and B.D. Baer. 1996. Assessing investment risk of irrigation in humid climates. Journal of Production Agriculture. 9: 228-233.
136. Robertson, M.J., I.R. Brooking and J.T. Ritchie. 1996. Temperature response of vernalization in wheat: Modelling the effect on the final number of mainstem leaves. Annals of Botany 78: 371-381.
137. Ritchie, J.T., T.A. Howell, W.S. Meyer, and J.L. Wright. 1996. Sources of biased errors in evaluating evapotranspiration equations. p. 147-157. In C.R. Camp, E.J. Sadler, and R.E. Yoder (ed.) Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling -- Proceedings of the International Conference. American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
138. Lizaso, J.I. and J.T. Ritchie. 1997. Maize shoot and root response to root zone saturation during vegetative growth. Agron. J. 89:125-134.
139. Basso, B., J.T. Ritchie, S. Stornaiuolo, and M. Pisante.1997. Management of nitrogen fertilization by window plots. Riv.Agronomia. 31(3)768-773.
140. Jamieson, P.D., J.R. Porter, J. Goudriann, J.T. Ritchie, H. van Keulen, and W. Stol. 1998. Comparison of the models AFRCWHEAT2, CERES-Wheat, Sirus, SUCROS2 and SWHEAT with measurements from wheat grown under drought. Field Crops Res. 55:23-44.
141. Ritchie, J.T. 1998. Soil Water Balance and Plant Water Stress. p. 41-54. In Tsuji Y., Gordon, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Philip K. Thornton (Ed.) Understanding Options for Agricultural Production. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 0-7923-4833-8.
142. Ritchie, J.T., U. Singh, D.C. Godwin, W.T. Bowen. 1998. Cereal Growth, Development and Yield. p.79-98. In Tsuji Y., Gordon, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Philip K. Thornton (Ed.)Understanding Options for Agricultural Production. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 0-7923-4833-8.
143. Singh, U., R.B. Matthews, T.S. Griffin, J.T. Ritchie, L.A. Hunt, and R. Goenara. 1998. Modeling growth and development of root and tuber crops. p.129-156. In Tsuji Y., Gordon, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Philip K. Thornton (Ed.)Understanding Options for Agricultural Production. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 0-7923-4833-8.
144. Stornaiuolo, S., B. Basso, and J.T. Ritchie. 1998. Influence of nitrogen fertilization on nitrate concentration in maize plants. Riv. Agronomia. 32:155-160
145. Shen, J., W.D. Batchelor, J.W. Jones, J.T. Ritchie, R.S. Kanwar, and C.W. Mize. 1998. Incorporation of a Subsurface Tile Drainage Component Into a Soybean Growth Model. Transactions of the ASAE 41(5):1305-1313.
146. Asseng, S., J.T. Ritchie, A.J.M. Smucker, and M.J. Robertson. 1998. Root Growth and Water Uptake During Water Deficit and Recovering in Wheat. Plant and Soil 201:264-273.
147. Jame, Y.W., H.W. Cutforth, and J.T. Ritchie. 1998. Interaction of temperature and daylength on leaf appearance rate in wheat and barley. Agri. and Forest Meteorology 92:2241-249.
148. Fowler, D.B., A.E. Limin, and J.T. Ritchie. 1999. Low-Temperature Tolerance in Cereals: Model and Genetic Interpretation. Crop Science. 39(3):626-633.
149. Jame, Y.W., H.W. Cutforth, and J.T. Ritchie. 1999. Temperature Response Function for Leaf Appearance Rate in Wheat and Corn. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 79:1-10.
150. Rasse, Daniel P., Joe T. Ritchie, W. Richard Peterson, Ted L. Loudon and Edward C. Martin. 1999. Nitrogen Management Impacts on Yield and Nitrate Leaching in Inbred Maize Systems. J. Environ. Qual.28:1365-1371.
151. Cora, J.,F.J. Pierce, B. Basso, and J.T. Ritchie. 1999. Simulation of within field variability of corn yield with CERES-Maize.p.1309-1319. In Proceedings IV International Conference on Precision Agriculture.
152. Calmon, M. A., W.D. Batchelor, J.W. Jones, J.T. Ritchie, K.J. Boote, and L.C. Hammond. 1999. Simulating Soybean Root Growth and Soil Water Extraction using a Functional Crop Model. Transactions of the ASAE 42: 1867-1877.
153. Ritchie, J.T.; Gerakis, A.; Suleiman, A. 1999. Simple model to estimate field-measured soil water limits. Trans. Am. Soc. Agri. Eng. 42:1609-1614.
154. Garrison, M.V., W.D. Batchelor, R.S. Kanwar, J.T. Ritchie. 1999. Evaluation of the CERES-Maize water and nitrogen balances under tile-drained conditions. Agricultural Systems. 62:189-199.
155. Garrison MV, Batchelor WD, Kanwar RS, Ritchie JT. 1999. Evaluation of the CERES-Maize water and nitrogen balances under tile-drained conditions. Agri. Systems.62:189-195.
156. Calmon MA, Batchelor WD, Jones JW, Ritchie JT. 1999. Simulating soybean root growth and soil water extraction using a functional crop model. Trans. Am. Soc. Agri. Eng.: 42: 1867-1877.
157. Jamieson PD, Porter JR, Semenov MA, Ritchie JT. 1999. Testing winter wheat simulation models predictions against observed UK grain yields. Agri. Forest Meterology: 96:157-161.
158. Rasse DP, Ritchie JT, Wilhelm WW. Ritchie JT. 2000. Simulating inbred-maize yields with CERES-IM. Agron. J. 92: 672-678.
159. Rasse DP, Ritchie JT, Peterson WR. 2000. Rye cover crop and nitrogen fertilization effects on nitrate leaching in inbred maize fields. J. Env. Qual.: 29:298-304.
160. Rasse, Daniel P., J.T. Ritchie, W.W. Wilhelm, Jun Wei, and E.C. Martin. 2000. Simulating inbred-maize yields with CERES-IM. Agron. J. 92:672-678.
161. Rasse, Daniel P., Joe T. Ritchie, W.Richard Peterson, Jun Wei, and Alvin J.M. Smucker. 2000. Rye cover crop and N fertilization effects on nitrate leaching in inbred maize fields. J. Environ. Qual. 29:298-304.
162. Ritchie, J. T. and Jun Wei. 2000. Models of kernel number in maize. In: M. Westgate and K Boote (editors) Physiology and Modeling Kernel Set in Maize. In Crop Sci. Soc. Am. Special Publication no 29. p.75-88. Am. Soc. Agron. and Crop Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, Wisconsin.
163. Andresen JA, Alagarswamy G, Rotz CA, Ritchie JT. 2001. Weather impacts on maize, soybean, and alfalfa production in the Great Lakes region, 1895-1996. Agron. J. 93:1059-1066.
164. Suleiman, A. A., and J. T. Ritchie. 2001. Estimating saturated hydraulic conductivity from soil porosity. Trans. ASAE. 44(2):235-239.
165. Vinocur, Martha G. and J.T. Ritchie. 2001. Maize leaf development biases caused by air-apex temperature differences. Agronomy Journal. 93:767-772.
166. Basso, B., J.T. Ritchie, F.J. Pierce, R.P. Braga and J.W. Jones. 2001. Spatial validation of crop models for precision agriculture. Agri. Systems. 68: 97-112.
167. Amato M, Ritchie JT. 2002. Spatial distribution of roots and water uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) as affected by soil structure. Crop Sci. 42:773-780.
168. Suleiman AA, Ritchie JT 2002. Modeling soil water redistribution during second-stage evaporation. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 67:377-386.
169. Daroub SH, Gerakis A, Ritchie JT. 2003. Development of a soil-plant phosphorus simulation model for calcareous and weathered tropical soils. Agri. Systems 76:1157-1181.
170. Jones JW, Hoogenboom G, Porter CH. 2003. The DSSAT cropping system model. Eur. J. Agron. 18:235-265.
171. Ritchie JT, Alagarswamy G. 2003. Model concepts to express genetic differences in maize yield components. Agron. J. 95:4-9.
172. Suleiman AA, Ritchie JT . 2004. Modifications to the DSSAT vertical drainage model for more accurate soil water dynamics estimation. Soil Science: 169:745-757.
173. Dardanelli JL, Ritchie JT, Calmon.2004. An empirical model for root water uptake. Field Crops Research 87:59-71.
174. Jagtap, S. S., U. Lall, J. W. Jones, A. J. Gijsman, J. T. Ritchie. 2004. Dynamic nearest-neighbor method for estimating soil water parameters. Transactions of the ASAE 47(5): 1437-1444.
175. Ritchie, J T, C H Porter, J Judge, J W Jones, A Suleiman. 2004. Extension of an Existing Model for Soil Water Evaporation and Redistribution under High Water Content Conditions. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 73:792-801.
176. Suleiman AA, Ritchie JT.2005. Simple model to estimate daily lateral drainage. Soil Sci. 170:584-598.
177. Basso, B., J.T. Ritchie. 2005. Impact of compost, manure and inorganic fertilizer on nitrate leaching and yield for a 6-year maize-alfalfa rotation in Michigan. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment. 108:329-241.
178. Basso. B., J.T. Ritchie, P.R. Grace, L. Sartori. 2006 Simulation of tillage systems impacts on soil biophysical properties using the SALUS model. It. Jour. Agron. 4:677-688.
179. Gerakis A, Rasse DP, Kavdir Y, Ritchie JT. 2006.Simulation of leaching losses in the nitrogen cycle. Communications in Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis 37:1973-1997.
180. Ritchie J.T. and B. Basso. 2008. Water Use Efficiency is NOT Constant when Crop Water Supply is Adequate or Fixed: The Role of Agronomic Management. Eur. J. Agron. 28, 273Ð281.
181. Ritchie J. T.,C. H. Porter, J. Judge, J. W. Jones, A. Suleiman. 2009. Extension of an existing model for soil water evaporation and redistribution under high water content conditions. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 73:792-801.
182. Basso B., Cammarano D.,Troccoli A., Chen D., Ritchie J.T.. 2010. Long-term wheat response to nitrogen in a rainfed Mediterranean environment: Field data and simulation analysis. Eur. J. Agronomy 33:132Ð138.
183. Basso B., Cammarano D.,Troccoli A., Chen D., Ritchie J.T.. 2010. Long-term wheat response to nitrogen in a rainfed Mediterranean environment: Field data and simulation analysis. Eur. J. Agronomy 33:132Ð138.
184. Basso, B., Joe T. Ritchie, Cammarano D., Sartori, L. 2011. A strategic and tactical management approach to select optimal N fertilizer rates for wheat in a spatially variable field. Eur. J. Agronomy 35: 215-222.
185. Basso, B. and J. T. Ritchie. 2011. Assessing the impact of management strategies on water use efficiency using soil-plant-atmosphere models. Vadose Zone J. doi10:2136/vjz2011.01073.
186. Million, J. B., J. T. Ritchie, T. H. Yeager, C. A. Larsen, C. D. Warner, J. P. Albano. 2011. CCROP--A simulation model for container grown nursery plants. Scientia Horitculturae 130:874-886.
187. Basso, B. and J. T. Ritchie 2014. Temperature and drought effects on maize yields. Nature Climate Change 4:233.
188. Klienwachter, Ulrich, M. Gastero, J. Ritchie, G. Nelson, S. Asseng. 2016. Simulation variations in potato yields for contrasting environments. Agricultural Systems 145:51-63.
189. Basso, Bruno, Lin Liu, J. T. Ritchie. A comprehensive review of the CERES-Wheat, Maize and Rice modelsÕ performances. 2016 Advances in Agronomy 136:27-132.