Laurent GILET
1990-94 : Student at ENITA (National College in Agricultural Studies)
General Formation in Animal and Plants Sciences, Maths/Physics, Food Production, Social Sciences, management/development of the territory
1987-90 : "Preparatory" class for competitive exam to an Agricultural College
1987 : BAC D. Equivalent of C.S.C. (specialised in sciences)
Training and Work experiences
June 1995 (1 year) : Assistant researcher at Michigan State University (USA)
Dr.Ritchie's group : Study of the correlation between topology and yield, modelisation of the water uptake from the groundwater in a maize field, study of soil hydraulic proprieties, validation of Crop Model (CERES) for maize
Dr.Pierce's group : Collect of soil and plant samples, yield mapping, to improve Site Specific Management strategies
April 1994 (8 months) : Research work at MSU with Dr.Ritchie as MSc supervisor: "Management of the potato nitrogen fertilisation by window plots" (thesis)
July 1993 : Supervisor of maize detasseling for LIMAGRAIN seed company in the centre of France
=> Responsible of 200ha in Seed Production in 15 different farms.
April 1993 : Practical training in a smoked salmon company
=> Involve all aspect from the reception of the fish, transformation, packaging, direct commercialisation, and maintenance of the production equipment.
Summer 1992 : Work in an Australian experimental farm
=> Tending of sheep, building construction, tractor driver.
1990-1991 : Two technical economic training's in farms (3 months)
=> Assessment of economical situation, responsible of milking and feeding of 50 dairy cows.
Fluent English (TOEFEL test score : 567 in 1996), German Work with Winword/Wordperfect, Excel/Quattropro, Multiplan, Dbase3+, Statitcf, Internet (Ftp, Telnet)
July 96 : One year travelling in Africa : Capetown up to Nairobi . Discovery of the 1/3 World : Agriculture, Tourism, NGOs
=>manager of a youth hostel, safari guide, driver/cook
Student jobs : Salesman in a department store, life-guard and technical supervisor in a swimming-pool, , guide for foreigners and VIP for the International Agricultural Show in Paris, responsible of a student bar. Co-founder of a student newspaper
Member of SESTAGRI (ENITA student-business association : elaboration and realisation of a poll concerning the quality of milk in Lozere - a state of France. )
Volley-ball, Speleology, Painting
Certificate of bathing-supervisor and Certificate of 1st aid-worker
ENITA of Clermont-Ferrand
Teaching program
April 1990
Common core syllabus : 2 first years
Fields : Duration of formation Coefficient
* Management and development of the territory 82 hours 10
Set-up of the territory : problematic, level of action
Objectives and methods
Set-up and rural development : situation and dynamic
politic, development in difficult zones
* Food-processing economy 85 h 10
General economy
Food-processing economy
Agricultural politic
* Administration 85 h 10
General financial management
Analytic book-keeping
Provisional management
* Mathematics 80 h 10
Statistic inference
Classic inference
Public opinion poll tools
Relation between variables
Data analysis
* Computer science 80 h 11
General computation and analysis
Standard software's
Introduction to the expert systems
* Animal sciences 170 h 21
Growth and development
Reproduction and lactation
Molecular biology-Immunology
Study of a production
* Plant sciences 195 h 21
The plant and his milieu
Technical itinerary for crop production
Yield elaboration
Studies of the main productions
* Physics 60 h 5
Applied thermodynamic
* Machinery 55 h 5
* Social sciences 75 h 10
Relation / Animation
Expression and Communication
Professional organizations and agricultural development
Functional study of the farm
* Food industry technology 130 h 13
General technology
Animal production processing
* Study of a specialized product 29 h 4
* English 112 h 11
* Sport 112 h 5
Training's :
* on a farm 11 weeks 11
* in an agricultural organization 1 week 3
* in a food processing firm 4 weeks 7
Optional unites of value : 11 weeks 33
Computerized cartography
Windows environment and Excel
Development in hilly regions
Discover of unusual animal production
Crop protection
Crop improvement
Cartography and aerial pictures
Biological agriculture
General ecology
Fertilization and environment
Third year of formation : Option Crop Production
20 weeks at the ENITA, 24 weeks in a research institute (research work)
Fodder crops and their use 6 weeks 5
Soil study - Agronomy 3 weeks 3
Agricultural hydraulics 1 week 1
Husbandry and cash crops 2 weeks 2
Diversification in plant production 2 weeks 2
Biotechnology 1 week 1
Technical and economic analysis of a farm 1 week 1
Bibliography 1 week 2
English 1 week 2
Study trip aboard 2 weeks 1
Thesis 30
(presentation after the 6 months training)
Total Coefficient :
General agricultural formation (1st and 2nd year) : 200
Specific formation in Crop Production (3rd year) : 50
Thesis : 50
Plant sciences formation presentation :
1st part : Plant and its environment
A Continuum Soil-Plant-Climate 75 hours
* Fertility notion (2 h)
* Bioclimatology (8h)
* Soil -composition, proprieties, analysis (24h)
* Relation Plant-Soil (5h)
* Pedology-Geology (12h)
* Plant growth in relation with other living elements
B Technical aspects in crop production 54 hours
* Water management (8h)
* Amendment and fertilization (22h)
* Soil management
* Seeding
* Plant amelioration (6h)
* Crop protection (18h)
C Studies of some crops in the field (9h)
2nd Part : Yield elaboration in crop production
A Yield elaboration and crop production
* Yield elaboration : methods to select the technical itinerary (10h)
* Wheat (8h)
* Maize (6h)
* Industrial crop : sugar beet
* Fodder production
-the different productions (12h)
-management of the production on the farm scale (4h)
B Practical study of a global crop production in a farm (9h)
Physic and Machinery
Physic :
* Hydraulic (20h)
fluid static, hydrodynamic, outflow...
* Applied thermodynamic (25h)
air moisture, heat transfer, thermodynamic
* Automatism (15h)
Agricultural enginery (55h)
* Equipment's for crop production, drainage, irrigation, soil working, harvest